Power supply circuit of high-voltage fluorescent lamps from the storage battery

01/12/2018 - 00:19

a work Principle

This circuit represents the tension converter on type bloking-the generator. Excitement in it is mute occurs from for feedback between collector and base chains of the transistor by means of the corresponding windings of the transformer. The R1 resistor sets an operating mode of the transistor.

After turning on of the SA1 switch in the top winding of the transformer appears the pulse high voltage arriving on a fluorescent lamp. Under the influence of shock ionization of gas the lamp begins is shone. And the lamp with the fused thread (or threads) heat, but capacity no more than 20 W, and not too worn-out will be shone even.

Drawing 1

the Device

the Transformer — lower case TVS-110LA from the black-and-white TV. It should be finished: to disassemble, remove a high-voltage winding and панельку кенотрона and that the transformer did not "peep", before assembly to grease the ends магнитопровода with glue. The transistor — practically any powerful silicon n structures - p-p or p - n-river. In the last option it is necessary to change polarity of turning on of the battery and the condenser. The transistor is necessary for fixing on a heat-conducting path with the area of a surface 30... 50 cm 2 or to press to an aluminum level of the transformer by means of a bracket.

the Battery can be made by p of four — six galvanic cells 373 for backpacking option. In case of automobile travel or in country conditions it is necessary to apply the automobile or motorcycle storage battery. Then it is possible to do without the condenser. R1-4,3




the Converter starts to work with p practically right after inclusion. Desirable brightness of a luminescence of a lamp establish resistor selection. However excessively to reduce its resistance for obtaining bigger brightness it is not meaningful, as the current consumed from the power supply increases. Especially it concerns option of a food of the converter from the battery of galvanic cells

Power supply circuit of high-voltage fluorescent lamps from the storage battery

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