RS232 on a radio channel
In the market is presented today to img src by alt a set of the standards providing wireless data transmission between appendices: Bluetooth, 802.11, DECT, etc. However, for the devices working for short distances (Short Range Devices - SRD) the uniform protocol still is not developed. Therefore users should develop independently specific modules for work on wireless technologies for software products that is not so simple. After all in spite of the fact that many engineers do not possess experience of similar development, always it is necessary to aspire to enter the market as soon as possible, having outstripped competitors. It is possible to write some the software for «a piece of a wire», but it will not be simple to work without wires. On a way there will be many problems,
which should be overcome at the beginning though time for development of new approaches will be very little. For the solution of these problems of Low Power Radio Solutions Ltd. (LPRS, created the link protocol which will provide implementation of all requirements to exchange of information. This software provides with br coding by transfer and reception of data, and also use of RS232, TTL or data of any other format which the user will want to enter. The circuit «is thus applied to put data / to take data». In case of use of transceivers data are buffered on the chip, and then taken according to the programmed method. «easy-Radio» software ( transfers the entered data to a format which the firm calls «the effective radio protocol», allowing to lower the mistakes arising at data transmission, and to increase action radius. The program works with the majority of LPRS modules and, in particular, with a new series of transmitters, receivers and ER400/900 transceivers. They not only have the protocol built in EVES, but also offer the user unprecedented flexibility in a choice of levels of target capacity, speed of reception/data transmission, working frequency. Many users наслышаны about congestion of frequencies of 433-434 MHz, especially in continental Europe: almost all appendices use a site of 433,92 MHz. To pass to other frequency, usually it is required to use other modules programmed on other range. It is far not an ideal situation, especially if it is necessary to use some modules. With ЕR400 similar problems are not present. To 10 various frequencies can be programmed at will of the user at a stage of final testing and it is repeatedly reprogrammed further. After the announcement of 868-870 MHz of a frequency range in Europe many users were involved by transition prospect there from the overflowed frequency of 433 MHz, but only until they were not told that new frequency contains a little sub - ranges with different levels of a signal, running cycles etc. ЕR9000 allows to choose some frequencies and to adjust levels of signals under concrete sub - a range. Thin fine tuning under needs of the customer, provided LPRS, does possible to provide full implementation of requirements of a standard on running cycles. The range of frequencies ЕR900 lying within 860-920 MHz, provides still big flexibility, allowing to use the same module in the European 868-870 MHz or the American 902-928 MHz a range - the same module without changes in a set of components, only simple program command for stages of final dough.« Easy-Radio» is equipped also with other modules, among which AM 2000 receiver with the 2-push-button panel and a set of high-efficiency narrow-band transmitters, receivers and transceivers. If you need the device with big radius of action, pay attention to CDP which, possessing flexibility of ER, can work at distances to 1 km. In case of purchase ER400/900 and AM of products, ON is built in on Microchip PIC. No external processors are necessary, all necessary components and functions are built in the module.
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