One more charger for automobile accumulators
The device in accumulator storage conditions allows to include in winter time automatically it on a charging at a voltage reduction and also automatically to switch off a charging at achievement of the tension corresponding to completely charged accumulator. The circuit provides two operating modes — manual and automatic.
In a manual operating mode the SA1 toggle-switch is in the included condition. After turning on of the Q1 toggle-switch tension of a network arrives on primary winding of the T1 transformer and the display bulb of HL1 lights up. The SA2 switch establishes a necessary current of a charging which is supervised by the PA1 ampermeter. Tension is supervised by the PU1 voltmeter. Work of the circuit of automatic equipment in a manual mode does not influence charging process.
In an automatic mode the SA1 toggle-switch will open. If tension of the storage battery less than 14,5 In, tension on conclusions of a stabilitron of VD5 turns out less, than it is necessary for its unlocking, and transistors VT1, VT2 are locked. The K1 relay is disconnected also its contacts К1.1 and К1.2 are closed. Primary winding of the T1 transformer is connected to a network through K1.1 relay contacts. Contacts of the K1.2 relay close the variable R3 resistor. There is a charging of the storage battery. At achievement of tension on the accumulator 14,5 To a stabilitron of VD5 starts to carry out a current that leads to VT1 transistor unlocking, and consequently, and the VT2 transistor. Works the relay and contacts К1.1 switches off a rectifier food.
Thanks to disconnection of contacts К1.2 the chain of a divider of tension turns on the additional R3 resistor. It leads to increase in tension on a stabilitron which remains now in a carrying-out condition even after tension on the storage battery will appear less than 14,5 V.Zaryadka akkumulyatora stops and there comes a storage mode in the course of which there is a slow self-category. In this mode the circuit of automatic equipment receives a food from the storage battery. The stabilitron of VD5 will cease to pass a current only after tension of the storage battery will go down to 12,9 V.Togda again VT1 and VT2 transistors will be locked, the relay will be disconnected and contacts К1.1 will include a rectifier food. The battery charging again will begin. Contacts К1.2 also will become isolated, tension on a stabilitron will in addition go down, and it will start to pass a current only after tension on the accumulator will increase to 14,5 In that is when the accumulator will be completely charged.
Control of knot of automatic equipment of the charger is made as follows. XP1 connector is not connected to a network. The stabilized source of a direct current joins XP2 connector instead of the storage battery with adjustable target tension which is established on the voltmeter, equal 14,5 Century.
The cursor of the variable R3 resistor is established in the bottom situation according to the circuit, and a cursor of the variable R4 resistor — the top situation according to the circuit. Thus transistors should be locked, and the relay is disconnected. Slowly rotating an axis of the variable R4 resistor, it is necessary to achieve relay operation. Then on plugs of connector Х2 tension 12,9 is established In and slow rotation of an axis of the variable R3 resistor it is necessary to achieve a relay otpuskaniye. Because at a relay otpuskaniye the R3 resistor becomes isolated contacts К1.2, these adjustments appear independent one from another.
Resistance of resistors of a divider of tension of R2 — R5 are calculated in such a manner that operation and otpuskany relays should occur respectively at tension 14,5 and 12,9 In in average positions of variable R3 and R4 resistors. If other values of tension of operation and an otpuskaniye.реле are necessary, and limits of adjustment variable resistors will appear insufficiently, it is necessary to pick up resistance of constant R2 and R5 resistors.
The relay — any type with two groups of the disconnecting or switching contacts, 12 V.Mozhno reliably working at tension, for example, to use the RSM-3 relay passport РФ4.500.035П1 or RES6 passport РФО.452.125Д.
Source: VRL 108
Author: V. Fomin
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