Apartment protection with the notification on the telephone line (the 2nd option)

02/12/2018 - 04:51

It is known that to not all citizens, decided to establish in the apartment the alarm system, on a pocket to use the help of specialized security firms. The author of offered article developed the device which allows to get the suburb system, without resorting to their services.

the Described security device uses a chain of normally closed sensors connected consistently. At disconnection of any of them it automatically infinite number of times dials in advance set telephone number and submits specific sound signals. The subscriber on other "end" of a wire, having understood value of these signals, can return the device to a mode on duty, having given team a DTMF signal, and to take care of elimination of threat to protected object. The essential lack of such device consists in need of acceptance of special measures for protection of the telephone line as if the malefactor will cut off the line, it will be neutralized. But about it is at the end of article. the Circuit of the device is shown to p by

in drawing. It is collected on three chips: DD1 - an operating part, DD3 - a universal nomeronabiratel with memory of the last number, DD2 - the decoder of signals of a DTMF set for remote control. All functions of the device are realized is hardware, беэ uses of microcontrollers that makes it available for repetition by radio fans of average qualification.

On a chip of DD1 two triggers which have been conditionally called "The mode trigger" (elements DD1.1 and DD1.2) and "The alarm trigger" (by DD1.4 and DD1,5) are assembled. Their conditions are shown in the table.

"Mode trigger" "Alarm trigger" device Condition
DD1.1 Entrance DD1.2 Entrance DD1.1 Exit DD1.4 Entrance DD1.5 Entrance DD1.4 Exit
1 0 0 0 1 1 "Is disconnected"
0 1 1 0 1 1 "Protection"
0 1 1 1 0 0 "Alarm"

After the first giving of supply voltage (or after SB1 "Dumping" button pressing) on an exit of the element DD1.1 arises low level. At zty on an element DD1.4 entrance too low level and "The alarm trigger" does not react to any manipulations with sensors. On DD1.4 exit high level, the VT2 transistor is open, a VT1 - is closed. The device is in a condition "Is disconnected".

Leaving the apartment, the owner presses the SB2 "Protection" button and holds it 2... 3 pages. On VD3HL1R5SA1 chain - SAn flows a current. If any sensor will open, the light-emitting diode of HL1 will not light up. Besides, the GB1 battery condition is supervised. If it is discharged, HL1 light-emitting diode brightly flashes and at once dies away. High level via the VD2 diode arrives on an entrance of the element DD1.2 and transfers "The mode trigger" to a condition, when on its exit (DD1.1) high level. However while the SZ condenser will not be discharged via the R3 resistor, on an element DD1.4 entrance of "The alarm trigger" there will be a low level and the owner can leave the apartment. At the face values of elements SZ specified on the circuit and R3 it is time makes about one minute.

If any of SA1 sensors - SAn will be opened by p, on an entrance of the element DD1.3 there will be a high level. The impulse created by a chain of VD6R6C4, will switch "The alarm trigger". On its exit (DD1.4) there will be a low level, the VT2 transistor will be closed, a VT1 - will open. Via the VT1 transistor, HL2 light-emitting diode, the VT3 transistor, the R25 resistor the current about 30 мА from the telephone line will begin to flow. The chain of VD6R6 will prevent return switching of the trigger if the opened sensor again becomes isolated.

the High level which has arrived on a conclusion of 1 chip of DD3, starts number set. Impulses of a set arrive from a conclusion of the 9th chip of DD3. For formation of a rupture of the line at a set on this conclusion (an open drain) there is a low level. On a conclusion 8 (too an open drain) low level is present during a set of all number therefore on an entrance of the element DD1.6 there will be a low level, and on an exit - high. Upon termination of number set signals in the listed points will change on the opposite. On a conclusion of the 16th chip of DD3 there will be a low level that activates the Redial function (repetition of the last typed number).

Feature chips of UM91215A is that the Redial function structure at it includes the Flash function ("A short-term release"). Thus, DD3 chip infinite number of times will dial number in advance brought in her memory, making between set attempts a necessary detachment from the line.

Clock impulses on a chip of DD3 arrive from the generator of a chip of DD2 via the C9 condenser. Such inclusion, except economy of the quartz resonator, brought also "highlight". The matter is that the chip of DD2 receives a food through R21VD20 chain only when the VT1 transistor is open. As soon as DD3 will create the Flash team. VT1 will be closed, the C12 condenser will be discharged (a chip of DD2 consumes about 10 мА) and the setting DD2 generator will cease to work. The chip of DD3 remains without clock impulses, and time of "Flash" will increase from 600 ms to 20... 30 pages

Such effect can appear useful if you want to adjust an alarm signal transmission on a pager, using the DTMF channel. To disconnect the device when receiving a signal, dial number to which it is connected (it is necessary the telephone set with switching possibility in a voice-frequency set), wait the next attempt of dialing and gain figure "2". If the alarm signal transmission on a pager is not necessary to you, it is necessary to connect the quartz resonator to a chip of DD3 as well as to DD2, or to apply the C12 condenser of bigger capacity.

Upon return of home owner of the apartment transfers to p the device to a mode "Is disconnected", having pressed the SB1 "Dumping" button.

For record of phone number in DD3 chip is necessary to connect the standard keyboard 3x4 [1,2] to it. It is possible to do it by means of the socket, having connected only for the period of programming.

programming Order the following. Press and release the SB2 button. Wait, while the SZ condenser will be discharged. Press and hold the SB3 "Programming" button. Thus "The alarm trigger" will be passed to a condition by "Alarm", the device will occupy the telephone line (HL2 light-emitting diode will light up), but the Redial function will not be activated, as the C10 condenser эашунтирован via the VD11 diode. Let's designate the letter "R" the SB4 "Pause" button. Press buttons: "R", "X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "X", "*", "P", "1", "R", "1", "R", "1" … "R", "1", "P", "1" (only 28 signs, including pauses, but no more!). Here "ХХХХХХ" - phone number where the device will dial. Release the SB3 button and quickly press SB1. The light-emitting diode of HL2 should go out. to

the Button "*" transfers to p DD3 chip to a mode of a voice-frequency set. The SB4 button ("R", "Pause") enters into typed number a pause duration of 3 pages. Signals of a voice-frequency set of figure "1" also will be those "specific" alarm signals. If the exit to a city network is made through a prefix ("8", "9" or other) that after its set enter 1-2 pauses.

At receipt on an entrance of a chip of DD2 through a chain of C5R9 of the voice-frequency signal corresponding to figure "2", on its exit of D1 arises high level which switches the device in the protection mode ("Protection", instead of "Is disconnected", as condensers C1 and С2 do not manage to be discharged). An impulse on an exit of D1 of a chip of DD2 short as with its receipt the device is disconnected at once from the line. Upon termination of an impulse "The mode trigger" is passed to a condition by "Protection".

the VD12 Diode establish p in case the automatic telephone exchange does not perceive a pulse set. Then it is necessary right according to the circuit a conclusion of the R14 resistor to connect to the general wire, and the chip of DD3 will be transferred to a mode of a voice-frequency set. The signal from a conclusion of 8 DD3 via the VD12 diode will block target cascades of a chip of DD2 during number set. The signal of remote shutdown will pass on DD2 exit after the termination of a set of all sequence programmed in DD3, but prior to the beginning of Flash function activization. This time, probably, it is required to increase, having applied the C10 condenser of bigger capacity. The VD12 diode is necessary and at an alarm signal transmission on a pager.

the Chain of R17VD15VD13 provides the device with a food in modes "Is disconnected" also "Protection". The R17 resistor select so. that via the GB1 battery (three elements "AA" the current about 100 мкА in the direction of its charging proceeded. The face value specified on the circuit provides such current at tension in the telephone line 60 B, For the same criterion select also the R21 resistor. but already in the Alarm mode. to

the C13R22VT3 Cascade is necessary to p for transfer of voice-frequency signals to the line. The R24 resistor - loading internal amplifiers of a chip of DD3. VD4 and VD5 diodes are entered in the course of tests - after a thunder-storm DD1 chip (punched an element DD1.3 entrance) failed.

the Chip of DD2 can replace

on КР1008ВЖ18, a DD3 - with chips of the series UM91215, UM91214 or КР1008ВЖ27. The same chips with a letter B and КР1008ВЖ27 have 18 conclusions. Insert them in панельку so that conclusions 9 and 10 remained free. Chips with a letter C also have 18 conclusions, but at them it is necessary to leave free conclusions 1 and 18. Chips with a letter D, having 20 conclusions, still have free conclusions 1, 10, 11, 20 [2]. Instead of the VT1 transistor is admissible to use KP1014KT1B key.

About protection of the line. It is ideal, if the distributive case is located from a reverse side of a wall of your apartment. Drill an opening in a wall so. that it was possible to push a wire directly to the interfloor canal. If it is impossible to make it, it is necessary to lay wires under plaster, In any case external wires it is expedient not to delete, and to include in a chain of sensors from the apartment, thus to close them among themselves in a guard and to disguise the end. It is possible, according to the arrangement with neighbors, to connect the device to their line through a wall between apartments.


  1. Kielyuk A. I. The directory on the device and repair of telephone sets of a foreign and domestic production, - M: Biblion, 1997.
  2. Integrated chips. Chips for a telephony and means of communication. - Dodek's publishing house, 1999.

Author: I.SHIRYAEV, Yekaterinburg.

Apartment protection with the notification on the telephone line (the 2nd option)

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