The bipolar power supply tension 12,6 In
the Circuit of such source is provided by font face on drawing. It consists of two stabilized rectifiers working from one T1 transformer. Target tension of a source can change from 3 In to 20 In at a current of load of 0,5 A.Koeffitsiyent of instability on tension not worse than 0,5 %. Both shoulders of a source are identical and independent. Rectifiers are assembled according to the two-half-period bridge circuit on diode assemblies КЦ405А. Actually the stabilizer увыполнен on chips К142ЕН1Г and V1 transistors in one shoulder and V2 - in other shoulder. Adjustment of target tension is carried out by variable R2 and R4 resistors. Tranzitsora and V2 are established to V1 on nielloed aluminum radiators. Пощадь each radiator of 400 cm 2 . Premennye SPO-0,5 type R2 and R4 resistors. The T1 transformer is reeled up on магнитопроводе Ш20Х40. The winding of I contains 1210 rounds of a wire of PEV-1 0,3 mm, windings of II and III - on 90 rounds of PEV-1 0,67 mm.
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