Voltage stabilizer with in parallel included chips

01/07/2018 - 05:51

Increase in a target current can achieve "Arial Cyr" size not only introduction of the external regulating transistor, but also parallel inclusion of chips. For example, having included two chips 142ЕН5А, as is shown in the circuit, it is possible to receive a target current to 6 A.Zdes OU DA1 compares power failures on R1 and R2 resistors. Its target tension so influences DA1 chip that the current flowing through it appears in accuracy an equal current through DA3. For prevention of undesirable increase of target tension in lack of loading the exit of the device is loaded with the R6 resistor. It should be noted that at the maximum current of loading on R1 and R2 resistors the capacity no more than 2 W dissipates therefore to use such SN expediently only in those cases if loading cannot be divided into two parts (for example, on two groups of chips) with a consumed current to 3 And and to feed from them from separate SN.

Voltage stabilizer with in parallel included chips